
Sin’s Consequences

The sins you sin matter


Each One Win One

You can gripe about America or you can “Gospel” America. The first makes people feel bad; the second does Great Good


Satan’s Trap

This is an old written sermon I needed to type into my computer. All week I have set it aside each time it came up because I had other tasks I felt needed to be done. This morning the Lord spoke fairly harshly to me and said I needed to type this sermon. That must mean someone is “looking at some cheese” and God wants to help them. Whoever you are- I am really praying for you today


When You do what you do; have you done anything with what you do?



I am living it and it is still hard sometimes to believe it! Glory! What a Great God we Serve!


Need of Sermons

“Science” seems to change every week. You tune into “New and Talk shows” that present your point of view. And all around people are facing fear with little hope and coming to death unprepared. People need to realize that Their Truth may not be THE Truth and come to God’s House to hear THE Truth that can change their hearts instead of just stir their minds and emotions.



A good loving Parent will discipline a child rather than allow them to play with fire and suffer the consequences!


If you do not try you do not Triumph



As the moral core and correct character of America is destroyed here are some things you need to remember


Prayer for Today

PRAYER FOR TODAY- Help me to use this day wisely, Lord, that there be no hours misspent, no work undone, no love unexpressed, and no sad regret when evening comes. May all of my plans for today crumble before your perfect will and may I hold tightly to your hand in my daily walk. Fill my heart with a desire to bring gladness to someone who is sad, to bring hope to someone who walks in despair, and to enable someone to dream again. Make me a positive power to negative people and a light to those who walk in darkness. Help me to plant seed in others which will enable their life to be fruitful and joyful. Fill my heart with charity, my hands with needful work, and my deeds with kindness and generosity. Help me to do something today that will bring rewards, instead of regrets, tomorrow. Show me how to be a friend, how to win a friend, and how to show my friends the friend who sticks closer than a brother. Above all, at the end of my fast fleeting life, when we share that first moment together, may I see a smile on your loving face.