

Unforgiveness will affect your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well being. Do not let the wrong actions of others control you.


World Death Rate is presently: Deaths per Day: 163,898. Deaths per Hour: 6,829. Deaths per Minute: 114. How many will YOU seek to Rescue before they perish?


Best to Obey

Working at 6:45am waiting on wife to get ready for PT. God says, “Go Outside”. Not a Happy Camper; more interested in getting web code to work than fresh air. Walking outside for a minute I notice my night light had come loose and was about to come crashing onto concrete. Ladder, Drill, Apology to God, Back to work. It is ALWAYS best to follow God’s directions.


What was the Vote?

After Jesus ascended back to Heaven the Disciples decided to name a replacement for Judas. They cast lots (voted) and Matthias was named the winner. 1) What was the vote? (6-5, 10-1, 11-0, …?) 2) If a vote was held to elect the most faithful and dedicated person in your church where would you be in the voting process? 3) Be the most faithful you can be even if you never become famous (The only place Matthias’ name is mentioned in scripture).


God’s Care

They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear (Isaiah 65:23-24).

1) “They shall not labor in vain”: The time used to “rest” from face cancer surgery allowed me to repair a “bug” that was disabling 18 websites and hindering their ability to share God’s Good News [Does not impress you but takes a BIG burden off my back].

2) “Before they call I will answer”: As Princess Paula struggles with leg problems, an unexpected Christmas Gift enabled me to hire someone to come in once a week for several months to provide much needed help with house cleaning [A need God needed to provide for- and HE DID]. We serve a Great and a Wonderful God.



3 Props in Problems

             Most people are familiar with Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh”. This was a problem in his life that was allowed by God but administered by Satan. It was a very real and very painful problem (Paul said it “Buffeted” him. That means it hit him from every side). The purpose of the problem was to defeat pride in Paul’s life.

             During his description of this problem Paul describes three attitudes that propped him up and turned this Problem into a plus.

            1) PRAYER- Paul said he “besought the Lord” three times about this problem. He didn’t just say a nice little “now I lay me down to sleep” prayer; He really prayed and poured out his heart to God.

 When problems plague you spend time talking with God. Tell Him your hurt and your doubts; as well as your desire for help. You’ll be surprised what a difference it will make when you talk WITH God instead of AT God.

            2) POWER- As soon as Paul realized God wasn’t going to correct his problem he found that God’s Grace was sufficient. This gave him the Power to endure the problem and focus on the really important things in life.

            3) PLEASURE- Now, amazingly, Paul takes Pleasure in his problems because they draw him closer to God!! Bitterness and bondage have been turned to blessing. The problem is now a plus. Glory!  Don’t let problems knock all the props from under you. Use Paul’s props and become more than conquerors through Christ.